Friday, August 1, 2008

My first "official" ride report...the Catskills!

Well, once again work took me to New York City....specifically Garden City for the Belmont. You know, the one where Big Brown crapped out....get it???? "Crapped out....Big BROWN....???? Whatever.

The TV truck compound.....

The audio panel on our main truck.....zoinks!!!!!!

Shaq is a pony guy....???? I pity the horse.

That crap taken care of, it is time to hook up with a fellow audio guy/good buddy, Mike Zadroga, for a 3 day ride in the Catskills....sweeeeeeet.....tight twisties in and out of the heights.....perfect.

"Z", as we affectionately call Mike, saddled up his Honda CBR....

and he offered up his Honda ST1300 for me to attempt to keep up with him on.

We check oil, tire pressure, etc., etc. and we prepare for 3 days of riding bliss.

The trip begins, as I get accustomed to the smooth-revving ST's 4 cylinder, as beautiful as can be. A first on our agenda is the Woodstock Museum...oddly enough, not actually in Woodstock. Apparently, there were last minute squabbles about the venue location and the concert, and coincidentally the museum, were and aren't in Woodstock. Either way, we arrived with beautiful blue skies and warm breezes.

And we return from the museum to what can only be described as a torential assault by raindrops that I swear were the size of my fist. What's THAT all about?!?!?!

This assault continued on and off all day and kept us hopping from covered stopping spot to whatever old bridge we could find for temporary reprieve. This one should do.

Notice the blue sign to the right of the bridge???...check out the inflation rate on bridge work over the past 154 years!!!!

But it was pretty cool on the inside....amazing what they can do with a bunch of wood!

Day 1 of the Catskills ride was a success, even though we didn't cover the ground we had hoped due to the scattered hydration offerings from above.

Upon our arrival back at Casa Zadroga after day 1, we had an unexpected visitor for dinner...and she was eating whether she was invited or not! Her head is a little blurry in the second shot as she is shaking the hummingbird feeder to pieces!

Day 2's ride was rain free....just beautiful....if not a bit warm, but I live in San Antonio, so I try not to complain about that much.
One thing about "Z"...he likes corners...he likes speed....he likes to put the two together. According to him, I did a fine job keeping up on a bike that wasn't as suited for it as his is. However, this continuous barage of down-shifting, strategic braking, accelerating through the apex of a tight corner and then hammering it again when completely upright doesn't allow for much picture taking. It seems that "Z" appreciates the long as it is passing so fast that it is impossible to focus on...much less notice. It is a fine balance of coordination, skill, concentration, luck and insanity that keeps you in your lanes....and it doesn't provide for the opportunity often to reach into your jacket pocket to grab the camera. Don't get me is DAMN fun. But I like to throw in a little environmental appreciation along the way.

That said, I did get some pretty cool pictures at an old (did I say old?) cemetary that we stopped at to grab a sitdown and some H2O that wasn't pelting us from the heavens.
It was a real nostalgic stop...really made me think about what's been done, and is still being done, by soldiers that bring us the freedom to be able to even ride around like we were.

I still get a bit choked up when I look at the was surreal just walking around the graves of these heros.

And speaking of history, we ran across this guy riding around just like we were....except on a piece of history.

I also got to practice my deer-dodging skills out on day 2...for obvious reasons, there are no pictures of said practice....but I assure you, it was the best (read "scariest") practice I have had in the evasive manuevers involved in missing a 200 lb. deer as it frantically scratches it's way across the still slightly damp pavement. It's amazing that the human heart can go from "high-speed-cornering rate" to "shit-I-almost-just-drove-through-a-large-mammal" rate in micro-seconds! The second of three occurances was most definitely the closest I've ever come to hitting a deer on a motorcycle, and the closest I've come to dying in quite a long time.

Day 3 was much less eventful, but much warmer also. So we dedicated the day to searching for a few nice spots to stop to cool off in the many creeks still flowing quite freely with the runoff of snow from the winter.

Well, the glorious 3 day ride ended with the gravel road jaunt up to "Z's" cabin in the mountains...and another awesome meal cooked by Chef Z.

THANKS, "Z" for my first real opportunity for a ride report, the great home-cooked meals, a great cabin in the woods and for all your hospitality!!!!! I owe ya, BIG TIME!!!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Devil's River 2008

The Devil's River it often does. Rarely we get to answer its' call. However, this past May 26th - 29th, seven of us were able to heed the call, hit the road and brave the river and everything it throws at us, which this year included some new wildlife, 2 "newbies" and some out-of-control rapid riding by one of the river veterans. This year's group was the largest we've gotten out there yet - at seven - Myself, Lance, Dave, Troy, Dano, and the 2 newbies, Frank and Dano (aka "Otto"). Here we are in anxious anticipation, minus me - behind the camera.

The drive up alone provided ample entertainment....first of all seeing as I kick-started my liver before we even hit the road at 5am. Then, the misunderstanding on where all parties were to meet to hit the road led to some schenannigans and the first "un-policed" roadside stop of the trip.

Once we were all on the same page, and on the road, our rapid transport to the river was halted by the Texas Highway Patrol....we had all agreed that 85 miles per hour was a completely adequate speed for the journey.....and not only did one of the badged patrolmen think not of our velocity, but a second one shortly after also delayed our public intoxication on the Devil's River. Sadly, I didn't get a picture of the pigs (the first wildlife we encountered), but while we waited for the oinker to finish with Lance (heh....."waited for the oinker to finish with Lance" that's not the first time THAT's ever been said.....heh.), I did get a shot of a roadside tarantula.

We finally make it to the promised land....and lots of THIS begins (Frank demonstrates):
And that's not an energy drink, I assure you.
Besides that, Dave, as usual, did a fine job cooking gourmet meals.....

Troy spent hours fishing.....

Dano drank his Michelob Gay.....

John captured video.....

Lance chummed the water with his own flesh.....

And I renamed my canoe...."Discovery 169" seemed boring.....

For reasons we have yet to confirm, on day 2, a sheep came into camp and seemed right at home in the doorway of Troy's tent.....Troy did have an odd smile on his face when he woke up that morning.

The REAL reasons we visit the Devil and his river......

A good time (and a hangover or two....or three) was had by all......there were no drownings, or even close calls, which is a plus.......this year's crew of River Rats & Devil's Doctors welcomed its' 2 new members on another successful trip in west Texas.....we already look forward to next year.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Devil's River awaits!!!!!

Yes, a blog update may actually be in the making!!!!

A 4 day jaunt out to canoeing the Devil's River is on the schedule for this Monday, Memorial Day, thru maybe something worthy of a blog post.....FINALLY!!!!!!

I know it's been a long time coming....but I just don't have the exciting life of....say a Frenchy.....that lucky bastard!!!!!

Stay tuned.....

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sacramento....blah.....Albany - sweeeeeeet......

So one weekend, Sacramento, weekend Albany, NY - SWEET!!!!!!

The trip starts with my continuing attempt at really cool shots out the airplane window....
Here's the DFW airport from directly overhead.....the place is friggin' hugantic!!!!!

And then Chicago from an aspect you could ONLY get from the air.....

Albany usual. But in me and Lance's constant attempts at having at least some fun while we are out traveling we got out into the Catskills Mountains to visit Mike Z's place for "Retreat Audio-Style". Willy-World joined us out in Z-Land for what can only be described as heaven for a south-Texas boy who misses the north!!!! And to top it all off "Z" is an incredible cook - I think we had an 8 course dinner, and when I woke up on the couch to a view of trees and snow, the smell of bacon and eggs wafted about.....sometimes I'm sure I haven't lived well enough to deserve this!!!!!

Team Audio....enjoying life.....

Z's place.......what a dream!!!!!

The drive through his neighborhood.......

Lance was tired at the airport afterwards....can ya tell....????

So, now I will have to make up for posting that picture of Lance in the next few installments.....that will be tough.....oh well. If he nuts up and buys a damn bike things will be all good....but he forgot his checkbook today when we went motorcycle shopping....what a maroon!

Party on, on, Garth......

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pathetic....pathetic.....just pathetic.....

Yes, it has been a while since the last pointed out by Blog King Frenchy....according to him the blog-rating douchometer on the Blogjam has pegged - and probably melted it's internal water/vinegar mixing mechanism.

Too much work and not enough play results in a lack of interesting things worth posting about....poop!

There was Christmas.....

Went to a Stars game on the 23rd....Stars 4, Canadiens 1....there was much rejoicing. Especially since we attended with some friends, Mike & Darcy Connelly - who happen to be Montreal fans....HA!!!!!!

There was New Year's Eve.....

Went to that game also (view above from our suite tickets - THAT's the way to watch a game).....the Stars didn't look so I got drunk.....they lost.....I wore a funny hat....Dick wore an afro wig....we got drunker and I honestly forget what the game score was.

Just got back from Sacramento on the PBR tour....nothing of note blog-worthy from
Traveling to Albany Thursday for PBR there.....temperatures aren't supposed to rise above freezing and the lows are expected to travel near zero. We have some "get out and about plans" for while we are there, so hopefully something worthy of another post. Also, our house is presently under contract and we have no idea right now where we are going to live through 2008 until Anna finishes her degree program, so that will undoubtedly provide for some banter on the blog....and a few corporate rants for sure!!!!!
Trying to salvage what is left of the blog....bear with me.....must pull douchometer needle off of the +3 reading......will do my best.