Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sacramento....blah.....Albany - sweeeeeeet......

So one weekend, Sacramento, weekend Albany, NY - SWEET!!!!!!

The trip starts with my continuing attempt at really cool shots out the airplane window....
Here's the DFW airport from directly overhead.....the place is friggin' hugantic!!!!!

And then Chicago from an aspect you could ONLY get from the air.....

Albany usual. But in me and Lance's constant attempts at having at least some fun while we are out traveling we got out into the Catskills Mountains to visit Mike Z's place for "Retreat Audio-Style". Willy-World joined us out in Z-Land for what can only be described as heaven for a south-Texas boy who misses the north!!!! And to top it all off "Z" is an incredible cook - I think we had an 8 course dinner, and when I woke up on the couch to a view of trees and snow, the smell of bacon and eggs wafted about.....sometimes I'm sure I haven't lived well enough to deserve this!!!!!

Team Audio....enjoying life.....

Z's place.......what a dream!!!!!

The drive through his neighborhood.......

Lance was tired at the airport afterwards....can ya tell....????

So, now I will have to make up for posting that picture of Lance in the next few installments.....that will be tough.....oh well. If he nuts up and buys a damn bike things will be all good....but he forgot his checkbook today when we went motorcycle shopping....what a maroon!

Party on, on, Garth......

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pathetic....pathetic.....just pathetic.....

Yes, it has been a while since the last pointed out by Blog King Frenchy....according to him the blog-rating douchometer on the Blogjam has pegged - and probably melted it's internal water/vinegar mixing mechanism.

Too much work and not enough play results in a lack of interesting things worth posting about....poop!

There was Christmas.....

Went to a Stars game on the 23rd....Stars 4, Canadiens 1....there was much rejoicing. Especially since we attended with some friends, Mike & Darcy Connelly - who happen to be Montreal fans....HA!!!!!!

There was New Year's Eve.....

Went to that game also (view above from our suite tickets - THAT's the way to watch a game).....the Stars didn't look so I got drunk.....they lost.....I wore a funny hat....Dick wore an afro wig....we got drunker and I honestly forget what the game score was.

Just got back from Sacramento on the PBR tour....nothing of note blog-worthy from
Traveling to Albany Thursday for PBR there.....temperatures aren't supposed to rise above freezing and the lows are expected to travel near zero. We have some "get out and about plans" for while we are there, so hopefully something worthy of another post. Also, our house is presently under contract and we have no idea right now where we are going to live through 2008 until Anna finishes her degree program, so that will undoubtedly provide for some banter on the blog....and a few corporate rants for sure!!!!!
Trying to salvage what is left of the blog....bear with me.....must pull douchometer needle off of the +3 reading......will do my best.